Women who wish to possess bigger and fuller breasts are always on the lookout for natural breast enhancement foods. Eating specific foods alone will provide you with no assurance that your breast size will increase significantly. According to major medical studies, hormonal imbalances in women have something to do with having underdeveloped breasts. On the same note, women who have a significant reduction on their breast sizes a couple of years after giving birth have suffered the same condition.

With the increasing awareness among women on the undesirable implications of surgical methods, natural breast enhancement foods are among the more natural alternatives explored by majority of women. But are there really certain foods that could possible make the breasts larger and fuller and turn them into sizes that most women would want to have? Even if you do not believe that there really are such types of foods, you should be aware that the Chinese people are among some of the cultures who truly believe in the capability of certain foods that could indeed help women enlarge their breasts.

For over the past decade, the average size of the breasts of Chinese women has risen almost one full cup size. While it is taken into consideration that the environment may be a large contributing factor. No one can really explain what these Chinese women did in order to have these significant increases in their bust sizes even now as researches are still being conducted to understand how this phenomenon actually happened.

The conventional Chinese diet would include the intake of rice and fish which has no known estrogenic properties that may aid in boosting a woman’s bust size. With today’s boost in the types of foods that are being introduced to China, there are some suppositions that the intake of dairy and meat as well as specific foods that are “Western” or “Americanized” can actually aid females to make their breasts to grow larger. This leads to the assumption that red meat and other livestock that are mainly derived from the US may possess estrogenic properties that somehow brought about the increase in breast sizes, however, the effects of these specific foods on health are uncertain.

Soybeans, rye and barley as well as wheat are some of the food types which have high estrogen capacities. These particular food items are required to be incorporated in your diet and not to replace everything else with it. It is very important to seek an advice from your dietician for an appropriate diet regimen that would be suitable for you.

Moreover, keep away from specific foods that can reduce your bust size and replace them with food items that would tend to increase your breast size. You may add some food items which are abundant in bromine and manganese. These compounds are important in invigorating the generation of sex hormones, thereby improving the sensitivity of breast tissues’ reception. This implies that the tissues would be more sensitive to estrogen. Corn, cloves, ginger, garlic, whole grain and rice are some of the common foods which contain those substances.

For all the speculations of certain foods types and what make Chinese food breast enhancement friendly, one thing that many researchers failed to mention is one specific spice commonly used in Chinese cuisine. It is called fenugreek, and it is known to have medicinal properties to naturally enhance breast growth.